Rock Ensemble - End of Year
Rock Ensemble and Rock Ensemble Junior will play their end of year recital in the Little Carnegie. Weather permitting, firehouse doors will open to take the music into the streets. This is a free event.
Rock Ensemble and Rock Ensemble Junior will play their end of year recital in the Little Carnegie. Weather permitting, firehouse doors will open to take the music into the streets. This is a free event.
Please note that this event is cancelled.
Children Performing for Children presents Music R U.S., a compilation of selections written by American composers in various themes including folk, movie themes and pop. Performed by students in our Music Matters! Orchestra, Youth Choir, Ensemble Choir, Percussion and Handbell Choir.
Join us for Music Matters! Firehouse Concert. This performance is FREE to the public and is likely to fill to standing room only. Weather permitting, firehouse doors will open to take the music into the streets.
10am performance is for local school students, with all seats filled by local schools.
6pm performance is open to all!
Celebrate with over 100 local Music Matters! students for a concert representing Meet Mozart These young musicians are part of the Conservatory’s after-school fine arts initiative, which brings music into the schools all year long. You won’t want to miss our orchestras, choirs, and percussion troop perform. Bring the whole family and enjoy watching young performers. The concert is a one hour presentation and appropriate for the youngest of listeners as well as adults. Suggested donation $5, offered at the door.
The Contemporary Music Department hosts the Rock Ensemble Spring Recital at MickDuffs beer tasting hall (an all ages venue up until 7pm), 220 Cedar Street in Sandpoint. This event is free and open to the public. Enjoy some energetic rock music this Friday night!
After a short break, the concert hall returns to action at 2 p.m. with our Music Matters! Firehouse Concert. This performance is FREE to the public and is likely to fill to standing room only. Weather permitting, firehouse doors will open to take the music into the streets.
On Sunday at 1 p.m., Heather Upton, curator of Bonner County Historical Museum, offers a FREE public discourse on historic figures and happenings at 110 Main Street, commemorating the former home of Sandpoint City Hall and Fire Station. This talk is sponsored by the Idaho Humanities Council.
“Music Without Borders” Celebrate with over 100 local Music Matters! students for a concert at the Historic Panida Theater. These young musicians are part of the Conservatory’s after-school fine arts initiative, which brings music into the schools all year long. You won’t want to miss our orchestras, choirs, and percussion troop perform. Bring the whole family and enjoy watching young performers. The concert is a one hour presentation and appropriate for the youngest of listeners as well as adults. Tickets are available online here, at the MCS office or the door. Adults $5, children 12 and under are FREE.
Celebrate with over 100 local Music Matters! students for a concert representing Music in Nature and the Nature of Music. These young musicians are part of the Conservatory’s after-school fine arts initiative, which brings music into the schools all year long. You won’t want to miss our orchestras, choirs, and percussion troop perform. Bring the whole family and enjoy watching young performers. The concert is a one hour presentation and appropriate for the youngest of listeners as well as adults. Tickets are $5/Available at MCS office or the door. Children 5 and under are FREE.