Re-enrollment for Spring is open online now! Click Enrollment on top menu and choose Registration.


MCS, an international school of performing arts, offers accredited programming within a classical framework. Our staff is dedicated to educate and inspire students of all ages from all different backgrounds on their journey from beginning student to master performer. A nurturing environment is important to us! MCS focuses on collaboration, exposure to other cultures and excellence in the performing arts.

Our school owns a historic building which is part of a creative placemaking project to house the creative minds of the future.


MCS Administration


Stop by and see us at 110 Main Street, Summer Office Hours are
Monday through Thursday from 11am to 4pm and Fridays by appointment.


MCS Board of Directors

frank Geisler

vice president
nikki luttmann

frank geisler

charis uzabel

Board MembeRS
amy bean
christiana campbell
Curt Hagan
Peter Moye
Jonathan Peel