Private lessons are available for instrumental and voice students ranging from beginning through advanced levels



Private lessons are taught in several different styles by highly experienced staff. Enrollment is open to students of all ages and abilities. Part of MCS’ admissions process includes a meeting with our director and the head of the department to define goals.

Private lessons may be 30, 45, or 60 minutes long. Lessons are weekly during the 16 week semester. Students enrolled in private lessons are offered performance opportunities throughout the year, and are encouraged to participate in classes, ensembles, and group offerings. 

Private lessons are currently offered for: 





French Horn



Upright and Electric Bass









16 Lessons Per Semester 


  • 30 minute lessons are $640 per semester

  • 45 minute lessons are $800 per semester

  • 60 minute lessons are $960 per semester

    payment plans available

Private Instruction Trial Pack
4 lessons

Not yet ready to commit to a full semester of private lessons? Take this opportunity to try out a new instrument, prepare for a specific event, or brush up on skills with a trial pack of lessons. Non-registered students may only purchase the trial pack once before MCS registration is required. 


  • 30 minute lessons: $160

  • 45 minute lessons: $200

  • 60 minute lessons: $240

Click the button below to send us an inquiry form. We will contact you within two days to discuss your placement in private lessons. Because of the nature of private lessons and the varied abilities of our students, we must place all new students individually. This is to ensure your success in the study of the instrument of your choice.

Please note that an annual registration fee of $85 applies at the time of enrollment. In addition to providing performance and testing opportunities, this annual school fee qualifies students for participation in many of our Music Matters after-school ensembles at no additional cost. Note that for students enrolled in only Music Matters! the annual fee is $135.